Technique: Athletes must pick up 2 ammo cans and carry them to the designated point, then traverse around the designated point and return the cans back in an orderly fashion.

Elite Rules:

  • 2 cans must be carried.
  • Athletes carrying one can must re-do the obstacle with 2 cans or forfeit their elite band.
  • Athletes MUST traverse around the designated point.
  • Running to the point then turning directly around must repeat the obstacle or forfeit their band.
  • Each direction should be considered a one-way street.
  • Athletes must return the cans to the pickup-drop off point completely. Athletes who drop the can prior to the drop zone will have to return to the cans, pick them up and finish carrying them to the drop zone.

For this obstacle, the key to completion comes from a will to succeed within, simply do. not. stop. Push through it and finish strong. This obstacle is essentially a farmer’s walk with ammo cans instead of dumbbells, so to train for this one get those farmer’s walks in in the gym and you’ll do just fine!